Triangle Tweetup

Last night I went to a Social Media event, called the Triangle Tweetup. It was a gathering of like-minded people interested in Social Media, but self-selected by being on Twitter. It was good conversation, both in presentation mode and in mingle mode. I saw some old friends (in internet time that may mean someone I met 2 weeks ago) and made some new friends (people I have been following on Twitter, but never met in person). There is a growing Social Media community in the Triangle, and it is exciting to be at the beginning of this local movement.

Here is a link to Flickr photos tagged for this event.

Thanks to Wayne Sutton for organizing and to Jeff Tippett and Lisa Creech Bledsoe from Calvert Holdings for hosting. And finally, congratulations to Abbyladybug for tweeting more than me (and everyone else in the room) with the #Triangletweetup reference to hashtags and winning an ipod.

Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen