Arrow of Light

Earned Arrow of Light

Tonight Peter, and three other members of his den, earned his Arrow of Light award. This is the highest award one can earn in Cub Scouts, and something that can remain on your uniform in Boy Scouts. He also earned all 20 of the Webelos Activity Pins, when all you need to earn for Arrow of Light is 8. This is called Super Achiever. Peter has had this kind of Cub Scout experience.

Peter the Tiger Cub

When he joined scouts as a Tiger Cub in first grade, he declared that he would earn Eagle Scout. That is the highest achievement in Boy Scouts that one earns in high school. Now in fifth grade he will be joining a Boy Scout troop and will continue his journey in scouting.

I am proud as a Den Leader that 4 more of our scouts have earned this award, but I am prouder as a dad to have my son excel and reach these levels of achievement.