Talking to Myself

Seven years ago, I began this blog experiment of regular observations with voice recordings of my thoughts  that were transcribed and automatically published to my blog. The voice capture method of writing did not last very long, but I continued the observation posts all this time – over 1800 posts. I have gone back and forth over the years capturing ideas on my phone and in Field Notes notebooks, moving back-and-forth from digital to analog to digital to analog.

On a current business trip – my first in four years – I just started recording some voice notes for myself as an easy way to capture some insights from the trip. This made realize that voice recording is something I need to go back to when it makes sense. This is not a black and white distinction where I will go only one way, even though I prefer a single repository of ideas. I use it when it makes sense. For example this post was mostly created by voice recording rather than just noting the idea in my notebook. And now the post is done when the idea occurred to, rather than having to revisit it later to write it all down.

Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen