On a Private Beach on a Michigan Shore

I am currently on a client visit to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I took the opportunity of some evening free time to go see Lake Michigan (5th largest lake in the world, and the 3rd largest of the Great Lakes). I drove to Saugatuck, an artsy community on the Kalamazoo Harbor.

Saugatuck Town Hall, a town known as the San Francisco of Michigan

Kalamazoo Harbor, Michigan

Across the harbor, and across a small strip of land is the Lake. I went to Oval Beach, which is a large public beach acces. It was very serene at sunset (which comes late in the westernmost point of the eastern time zone). Gentle waves lapping at the shore. No birds. No boats. No airplanes. And hardly any people. You have a view of the lake horizon of about 180 degrees.

Sunset on Lake Michigan

Since this is an inland body of fresh water, there are rocks at the shoreline, rather than shells. I collect some interesting colored rocks (reds, blues and specked).

Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen