Another Instance of An Unknown Customer

Every company doing business with you wants you to do more business with you. It’s not always through an upsell. In some instances they want to strengthen the relationship by saving you money. This relationship will encourage you to do business with them again. My mortgage company often lets me know that I can save money by refinancing my mortgage. This is an instance where it only appears to save me money, when in fact, it costs me more money in total interest charges. It also locks me into a new mortgage.

They have tried another offer since I haven’t responded to those. This one actually saves me money in the long term. They have recommended that I pay an extra $100 per month on my mortgage. This is much better than refinancing because it all goes directly to my principal. And I can even set it up through my automatic payment plan. There’s only one problem. I’m already paying more than that each month in extra principal. And doing it through the automatic payment plan. They should never have sent that email. It is that lack of understanding of my business that would make me look for another mortgage.

Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen