This Season's Article about Youth Football

from the Chapel Hill News:

Now that University of North Carolina football is rebuilding itself in the image of a national powerhouse under the leadership of new head coach Butch Davis, the popularity of youth football is on the rise.

All six of the local rec teams are looking to post winning records in Central Piedmont Youth Football League play this year, facing off against such daunting eastern division competition as Bethesda, Orange County, Siler City, Chapel Hill, both East and West Chatham, and Downtown Durham Athletic Association (DDAA) squads.

Chapel Hill and Carrboro field teams with players ranging from 5- to 12-year-olds bent on high school ball within a few years.

continue to the rest of the article including this quote from Coach Holman: “We’ve got Peter (Cohen), and Sam (Blobe) is another big time linebacker, and he’ll be back with us next year.”