The Difference Between Every Day and Nearly Every Day

Every day I wake up and run. This is how I start each and every day. When I travel, I try to plan flights around running before I leave. Sometimes I run when I return. Because this is built into the structure of my day, it is easy to do this every day. It’s just what I do first thing. On those rare occasions when I don’t run first thing, it is unlikely to happen later.

I’ve been doing these daily posts for 2 1/2 months and it doesn’t have the same kind of every day feel. I thought doing them by voice would be easy, but that was the wrong approach. Did it become a habit? Mostly, yes, but if I missed days, I frequently went back and filled in the gaps. It was never for a shortage of ideas. It was more about the lack of structure. For this to truly become an EVERY DAY habit, it needs to be the first thing I do when I sit down at my desk. Like I did today.