Peter's Thankgiving Tall Turkey Tale

Once upon a time, in the town of Smoky Hills, there lived a turkey. Now Tom the Turkey and his wife, Teresa, weren’t necessarily what you’d call ordinary, but none the less, they were turkeys.

One bright, sunny and extremely cold Thanksgiving Teresa Turkey squawked to her husband, “Tom!” Her voice cracked like a whip through the crisp morning air. “Tom, get up this instant. Don’t make me get the coffee pot.”

“All right, all right, I’m getting up,” Tom Turkey mumbled sleepily. “Good!” Mrs. Turkey snapped. “I don’t have much patience this morning and I need that tamoble now!” (A tamoble is a tomato beetle that the Turkeys eat on Thanksgiving).

Bang! Bang! In the distance hunters’ guns went off. The Turkeys dove under the bed. The Turkeys became frightened. “I think we found a good one here,” a deep voice said.

“Yes, Teresa will be very happy.” The Turkeys were very surprised! The hunters were none other than Thomas and Joe who were hunting a tamobile for them. “Thanks, Thomas! Thanks, Joe!” the Turkeys called. Thanksgiving was a success in Smoky Hills!