New Marketing Role

After more than a year and a half at TOPO and now a full year integrated at Gartner following our acquisition, I am staying at Gartner.

Wait, what?

But I’m still packing my virtual bags and moving next door to the Marketing Practice.

I have spent the last year at Gartner in the Sales Practice helping sales and marketing teams learn how to collaborate with each other in ongoing, meaningful ways. I worked on projects that have made—and will continue to make—a difference in solving clients’ challenges. These included working on one Magic Quadrant (and another on the way), co-authoring a Market Guide that redefined a market, editing several issues of the Chief Sales Officer Quarterly and writing a series of blog posts about sales and marketing alignment which culminated in producing an alignment framework.

But as a career marketer I have always felt a little out of place in our Sales Practice. All of that is changing as I’m joining the Gartner Marketing Practice as a Director, Analyst. I will continue to write and talk to clients about alignment, demand generation, account-based strategies, pipeline and metrics, as well as continue to research and contribute to some of the above projects in the coming year.

In my new role, I have been tasked with helping the Marketing Practice refine our strategy for our B2B clients. I am excited to be working on a research agenda that will have significant impact for our B2B marketing clients.

Thanks to my TOPO colleagues who welcomed me and set me on the path to becoming an industry analyst. To the loads of people who helped me navigate my way in yet another big organization, but it starts with my Gartner Sales colleagues.

And there are my collaborators in the Marketing Practice that helped me walk the walk across practices while telling the world that sales and marketing needs to work together. And finally, thanks to the Gartner Marketing Practice leaders who created this opportunity for me and invited me over full-time.

If you are a B2B marketer, I’d love to hear from you. Reach out and let me know what your mission-critical priorities are in 2022. I hope you’ll tell me they revolve around supporting pipeline and revenue because that's how alignment with sales starts.