hesketh.com is Hiring

Raleigh-based strategic web shop, hesketh.com, is hiring an online strategist and a blog post with an embedded video seems like a much better way to apply for this type of job, rather than a boring cover letter and resume. Don’t worry, Mom, I sent them an email with a resume. too.

Here are some links to things I mentioned:

Triangle Tweetup Recent community building event with 250 attendees.
Raleigh Twestival Local version of worldwide event to raise money and awareness of global clean water initiatives. We raised nearly $2300.
Triangle Social Media Club Helped revive local chapter to share social media knowledge with community.
North Carolina Wine TV Online video show reviewing North Carolina wine, creating awareness of North Carolina wine industry and building online brand.

And if you want to see the formal job stuff, here’s my LinkedIn Profile. Contact me via email, phone or your preferred social network.

UPDATE (7/8/09): I had a phone interview today, and I though it went pretty well. We’ll see if I have a follow-up interview.