Grace's Wounded Paw - Follow-up

Grace injured her wrist last Friday. She went to the doctor (pediatrician and orthopedist) and the xrays were inconclusive. They put a temporary cast on it and told her to come back today. After an examination, but no xrays, the orthopedist determined that it was probably broken and she needed a hard plaster cast. This is at least a 3-week cast, which limits her swimming during our Thanksgiving pilgrimage to Florida.

Grace and I struggled to pose her arm and head in the same position that we did on Saturday for the previous picture. After I got one that was close enough, she wanted to pose for this picture pretending to sign her own cast.

And finally, after we put a plastic bag over her cast, I helped her shower. I haven’t done that in a long time. She told me that I haven’t done it since she was four.