Football Playoffs Round 1

Peter’s football team won the first round of the playoffs today by a score of 20-6 and they play next week in the Championship Game. The #1 team from the East Divsion, Carrboro (7-0) will play the #1 team from the West, SE Guilford (8-0) for the league title next week.

Peter really improved his play in today’s game. He was much more aggressive and was part of many tackles. The stadium had an announcer, and apparently Peter was impressed that the prime tackler was getting his name said over the loud speaker. He realized that if he played harder, and made tackles, his name would be said. He claims he heard his name, but we are not sure. Regardless, we were very proud of his play and his team.

The season started the first week of August in 100 degree heat and it is now winding down. It’s been a long season, but a lot of fun. Peter got to know a lot of great kids, and we have expanded our circle of acquaintences too. Basketball started last week.