Every Day

After publishing these observation posts for more than four years—with a regularity of 70-80% of the days, but much lower in pandemic year one—I reached 1,000 posts in mid-December 2020. Once I hit that milestone I committed to publishing every day for the next year. This is the 365th post since that committment.

It has been a strange year with Deborah in Missouri for the first part of it, us learning to be married for the rest of it, my mom's move to memory care in Connecticut and her passing, a new job post-acquisition and another new job here at the end of it, and coming to the end of year two of the pandemic with numbers going back up and no end in sight.

All that to say that I was never at a loss for what to write about. And I have changed platforms to make this simpler to manage. If a habit can be made in 30 days, I'm looking forward to what I can do in the next 365.