Amazon Whole Prime Foods

Amazon is finally bringing the benefits of their prime program to Whole Foods, which they acquired last year. It rolled out in NC this week and the store associates are doing their best to explain to shoppers how to participate. It’s pretty easy – if you know about it before you walk into the store. You need to download the Whole Foods app or make sure your phone number is on your Amazon Prime account. The cashier scans a bar code in app or inputs your phone number for you to get a discount on sale items. It works just like any grocery store loyalty card.

The notable thing about this change how it is announced. Of course I got an email, plus there was a news release that got picked up online. But walking into the store, they really demonstrate that messages need to be conveyed at every customer touchpoint. There’s a banner outside. There’s a table with flyers immediately inside the door. There’s a display with a sale item at the front of the produce section and signs throughout the store. The cashiers have shirts, aprons, hats all advertising that prime members now get a discount. Even the sticks you put between your order and the next one announces this program.

I was only testing the process to see how it worked, but I saved 67 cents.