A real week passed

So after sending out emails to everyone I know, and getting some leads back, here’s what I did:

Meeting over coffee with a friend who migrated from corporate to self-employed
2 arts commission meetings
(the above 3 meetings got me up and going 3 of the four days last week)
lunch meeting with someone introduced by email
career seminar
meeting with a career coach (through UNC alumni office)
phone interview for a job
and a trip to the Scout Shop in Raleigh (where I cut my finger, but, you know, they had band-aids)

And I only got dinner on the table at 6:00 one day

This coming week seems lighter, but I have lots of phone calls to make, and some of them will result in meetings. I am expanding my network in the hopes that someone will connect me to a job. It is actually better than looking for a job, since if you meet with new people you have suceeded.

And I was so busy with all this stuff during the day, and mostly taking the nights off, that I still haven’t cleaned up my desk or caught up on the wretched ATM slips. I have ergonmic issues with the height of my chair and my neck hurts, so after spending the who day in the chair, I really don’t want to spend more time at night.